December 29, 2016
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Many say niche themes are dead, or will be soon. The mega themes will rule the market. Although we agree to some point, we still believe in niche themes. Why? Because they serve a purpose, real purpose. ConsultingPress is for example suitable for consulting niche and it’s a perfect choice for any consulting company.
Why is ConsultingPress better choice than other bloated multi-use themes with 200+ layouts? Because you need simple, fast, SEO friendly and lightweight site, for starters. You need a theme that will give you enough flexibility and functionality to accomplish your needs, not three thousand options you will never use and that will make your site cluttered and slow.
Another reason is that when you create a niche theme, you need to investigate the industry field in which you are entering with your theme. That means examining wide range of real companies, their websites, their needs and areas for improvements. What that means? When you buy a niche theme you can be sure that it is the best possible solution for your site. It’s already SEO friendly, with real content, so you can actually read the content, not lorem lpsum. Of course, you will change that content, but you will see in real example what keywords are used, how many times, how images are named and why. You get a complete solution and you can set up your site with just a few clicks.
The site built upon lightweight niche theme will be fast, optimized and have good ranking, which is very important.
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